Tuesday 22 June 2021

What Is Broadband and How Does It Work?

When we hear the name of broadband internet connection, the picture of fast internet comes to our mind. But do you know what is this broadband? This term broadband commonly refers to high-speed internet access that is always on and provides fast internet with traditional dial-up access. Due to it being fixed in one place, it can not be changed frequently at low prices. This is also for those who need unlimited internet access.

The full form of broadband is broad bandwidth, a high-speed internet connection in which wideband frequencies are used to transmit information. Broadband connections facilities can be provided by different sources like a telephone company, internet service provider, or cable company!

gigabit broadband London

Type of Broadband

Although there are many different types of broadband, here we will try to know about some important types of them. DSL, the full form of DSL is the digital subscriber line. It is a wireless transmission technology that transmits data over traditional copper telephone lines that are already installed in-home businesses. Transmission speeds that DSL-based gigabit broadband London provides range from several hundred Kbps to millions of bits per second (Mbps). Whereas the speed you experience in a DSL connection depends on how far your distance is from the switching station. If you are located a longer distance then it will be slower while if you are near the switching station then this speed will increase more.